Monday, February 9, 2009

Eight pounds of fat

I have lost 8 pounds since I started my exercise/eating plan 5 weeks ago. This bodes well. I think of an 8 pound roast beef, pretty hefty. Getting the weight off is hard, and keeping it off is harder still. A lot of it comes down to changing habits permanently, and having the discipline to keep up with the program every day. As I have said before, this is not even about looking hot at 44, but it is about being healthy or healthier as I trudge steadily into the middle-age demographic. My pants fit a little looser, which is heartening.

Yesterday I went for a long walk at dusk. My trainer has recommended brisk walking instead of jogging, which is fine with me. I have a heart monitor to keep track of my heart rate, though I usually don't bother when I am just walking. My optimal heart rate for burning fat is only 106-120 bpm, not that strenuous, and I think I can keep that rate of exertion up on my own fairly easily.

Going to workouts is a time thief though! It takes a couple hours to make it to the gym, do the workout, shower. I could save time if I worked out at home, but my motivation is always greater when I leave the house. The time commitment is worth it right now. I don't like working out, but at least I am getting some results.

See y'all in Skinnytown!

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