Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pine Cone Craft

When I am stressed out, or feel the hours slipping away unproductively, I feel driven to make something. Crafty, eh? I guess the mindless repetition of making a knicknack helps people unwind. Last night I came across a flyer for a craft show at Dylan's school, and I decided we would gather pine cones and greenery from our yard and make crafts out of them to sell at the elementary school. My kids were excited as we got out wire, ribbon, scissors, and dove in. So we wound some of the greenery around a pine cone or two. And this is? A bumpy monk with a green Afro? Dylan bent coat hangers into circles and we wound juniper branches into wreath shapes. I felt more focused and productive once I got into bending the twigs and tying them with ribbons. The result was anything but professional looking, nor was it something anyone would buy. But it was suitable for hanging on the front door, even if the mail carrier ends up chuckling at our efforts. With Sunday ahead, I am looking for advice on making raccoons (or porcupines) out of the pine cones.

1 comment:

Joan Novark said...

What a great idea. I just heard a radio interview with Amy Sedaris- David's sister, character actress and hostess extraordinaire. She loves making crafts; her book I Like You is full of photos of them. I bet some are made of pine cones...