Wednesday, October 29, 2008

lost my keys

D drove to work with my car keys, leaving me rifling through drawers trying to find a spare set to get my youngest to kindergarten on time. I was mean, yelling at my kids for minor infractions of not eating breakfast, refusing to wear socks, squeezing the cat too hard. The spare keys, it turns out, are locked inside my car; meanwhile the window of opportunity for getting to school on time has passed. DS comments, "Actually, I am feeling kind of sick," hoping the lost keys will give him a day off from school. I call D to drive back and bring me my keys, and then proceed to walk with ds to his school.

I don't like to be late often; but it is really hard to get clothing, lunches, backpacks ready; kids out of beds, hair combed, and make it to the school by 8:25. Then I rush to the bus stop to be there by 8:45 so my third grader can get the school bus to his highly gifted and talented program at another school. The nongifted parents, some of whom are half my age, are neatly dressed, as are their children, bright eyed and ready to start their work days, it seems, and dropping off their obedient children, without yelling at them, before the bell rings. Well it is a minor goal but tomorrow we will be all ready to go, bookbags packed, shoes tied, and so on, EARLY.

1 comment:

Joan Novark said...

I can relate. I *hate* losing things! Always makes me grouchy. And I don't know how you get two kids ready for anything! Any time I go anywhere with Snookums it feels like I'm taking the whole house with me... and I invariably forget something.